A brief description of the calendar information provided here is now available.

February 18, 2025
6:05:02 PM (EST)

11:05:02 PM (UTC)
Absolute date: 739,300
Day 49 and Second 4,298,702 of current year
310 shopping days until Christmas

Phase of moon: waning gibbous
Age of moon: 5 days (since last full moon)

For Cleveland (EST)
Sun rise: 7:17 AM, set: 6:04 PM (today)
Sun rise: 7:15 AM, set: 6:06 PM (tomorrow)

Julian Day

Julian Calendar
February 05, 2025

ISO Calendar
Day 02 of Week 08 of Year 2025

World Calendar
Saturday, February 18, 2025

Hebrew Calendar
21 Shevat 5785

Islamic Calendar
Sha'ban 20, 1446

Mayan Calendars
Long Count:
Haab (Civil): 5 Kayab
Tzolkin (Religious): 13 Ik

French Revolutionary
Time: 7:53:50
Décade III, Decadi de Pluviôse de l'Année 233 de la Révolution

Amshir 11, 1741

Yakatit 12, 2017

Bahman 30, 1403

12th day of Dominion, B.E. 181

Events for 02/18

Mary Queen of Scots (509 years ago)
Michelangelo Buonarroti (461 years ago)
Count Allessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (280 years ago)
Ernst Mach (187 years ago)
Leopold Infeld (127 years ago)
Jack Palance (106 years ago)
Yoko Ono Lennon (92 years ago)
Cybill Shepherd (75 years ago)
John Travolta (71 years ago)
Vanna White (68 years ago)
Matt Dillon (61 years ago)
Molly Ringwald (57 years ago)

Martin Luther (479 years ago)
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (174 years ago)
Marius Sophus Lie (126 years ago)
Frank James (110 years ago)

"Temporary insanity" defense 1st used in America (166 years ago)
"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" published (140 years ago)
Roman Catholicism ceased to be state religion of Italy (41 years ago)

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Craig J Copi | craig@copi.org